As experts in B2B lead generation, we’re always on the lookout for helpful tips and tricks. This blog post is a curation of our favourite lead generation quotes we’ve seen on the web.
You are out of business if you don’t have a prospect – Zig Zagler, Author
Making your prospects feel like they have an exclusive membership in a club makes lead generation a positive customer experience. – Eric Bower, Marketbright
Every sale has five basic obstacles: no need, no money, no hurry, no desire, no trust. – Zig Zagler, Author
Lead generation is a fairly core activity to marketing. – Chris Brogan, Human Business Works
By far the most efficient approach to deal with your leads is always to use a process that automatically brands you, supplies worth to your prospects, follows up with them and sorts out the uninterested people. – MLM Lead Generation
No matter what you do, don’t pass leads directly to the sales team. – Jon Miller, Marketo
Content is the fuel for your lead generation efforts. – Dayna Rothman, Everstring
The sales team owns the sales funnel. But as a B2B marketer, you feed the top of their funnel. – Doug Kessler, Velocity Partners
Smart marketers know to build qualifying questions into lead forms to form a clearer picture of what people need from you. – Axonn
We do a lot of one night stands in lead generation and not enough in long term relationships. – Mike King iPullRank
To understand more about lead generation, check out Inbox Insight’s lead generation services.