5 Benefits of Content Syndication for Your Business

Content syndication–the act of republishing your original content on third-party websites, platforms, and digital marketing channels to increase reach and visibility–is a powerful tactic used by B2B companies worldwide. By republishing your content on third-party websites and platforms, you can tap into new audiences, establish your brand as a thought leader, and drive meaningful business results.

1. Increased brand awareness, global reach, and credibility

An estimated 80% of B2B marketers use content syndication as part of their content marketing strategy. The reason? The primary benefit of amplifying a brand’s reach and visibility.

Sharing your content on third-party websites, platforms, and channels allows you to tap into companies’ existing audience pool. This increased visibility can result in greater brand awareness and recognition and has the potential to introduce your brand to customers who may not have known about you before.

2. Cost efficiency

Compared to traditional outbound marketing tactics, content syndication is a cost-effective strategy for generating leads and driving traffic.

The number one selling point for B2B buyers is said to be “insightful content”, with 51% using content for pre-purchase research. Our own research supports this, showing that 33% of buyers spend between 3 to 9 hours per month researching. By leveraging the audiences of third-party platforms, businesses can potentially generate 27.1% greater annual revenue growth compared to companies not utilizing content syndication.

Relative to paid advertising or events, content syndication requires lower upfront investment while maximizing the value of existing content without additional production costs, enhancing return on investment (ROI). Rather than producing new content, businesses can opt to “recycle” their already-proven content to new channels and audiences, delivering higher returns from each unique asset.

This approach allows for targeted reach through advanced platform options such as industry, job title, company size, and geographic location, resulting in higher engagement and better-quality leads.

3. Better sales pipeline with high-quality leads

Attracting high-quality leads from customers interested in your products or services is essential to business growth, and content syndication is an effective strategy. Nurtured B2B leads generate 47% larger purchases than non-nurtured leads at a 33% lower cost.

By targeting specific audiences on relevant platforms, you increase the likelihood of engaging potential customers who are actively seeking information related to your offerings. Featuring your company’s content on industry-specific websites or publications helps to reach decision-makers and influencers who are more likely to engage with content that addresses their needs and pain points.

Content syndication platforms often provide lead generation forms or gated content options, helping you capture contact information from interested prospects. As these leads have already shown interest in your content, they are likely to be more receptive to further engagement with your assets–which is why it’s important to continue to provide valuable content to nurture them through the sales funnel.

As these prospects have already indicated interest in your content, this approach naturally shortens the sales cycle.

4. Thought leadership and expertise showcase

By featuring your content on authoritative third-party websites, platforms, and channels, you can enhance credibility and trust within your target audience, fostering a relationship that will develop you into a thought leader and industry expert.

This helps differentiate your brand from competitors and builds trust with potential customers by demonstrating the quality and value of your insights. With a consistent flow of high-quality, informative content, your brand can become a go-to resource for industry insights, leading to increased brand recognition, media coverage, and partnerships with other thought leaders.

To broaden reach further, it’s important to create content that’s not only informative but also engaging and sharable, with compelling headlines and actionable insights to maximize impact. With repeated syndication, your company can build credibility and become a trusted source of information, which can also help attract top talent to your workforce.

5. Content repurposing and recycling

Instead of relying on a conveyor belt of new content each week, content syndication allows you to repurpose existing content, maximizing its value and reach.

This saves not just time but money, as rather than continuously producing new content, you can focus on a few high-quality pieces of content with already proven conversions. This will help extend the lifespan of your existing content while reaching new audiences who may not have seen it before.

In addition to recycling existing content, you can repurpose it to suit different formats and platforms to make it more accessible and engaging. This means an ordinary blog post can be turned into a video or infographic to better serve visual platforms, or a whitepaper can be turned into a series of shorter articles suitable for industry blogs–a great strategy for small companies with limited resources.

As with choosing reputable third-party websites to syndicate with, it’s crucial that your syndicated content remains relevant and valuable to your target audience on each new platform. Recycled content should still be tailored to each platform–simply repurposing the same content without any modifications or adaptations can appear lazy or even annoying and harm your credibility.

Measuring success and ROI

To measure your syndication success and ROI, you should track metrics like website traffic, lead generation, and conversion rates. Remember to use unique tracking URLs or lead generation forms to enable you to attribute leads to specific content or platforms while identifying the most effective content and syndication partners.

When considering the content, specifically look at engagement metrics–views, likes, shares, and comments–to understand its resonance on each platform. This can be especially helpful in projecting your next suite of content because if something repeatedly performs poorly, it can be a sign that it’s not resonating with your target audience.

To calculate your syndication ROI, balance the costs of creating or repurposing content and syndication fees against the value of your new leads–be that in actual customer generation, higher website traffic, or simply an increase in brand awareness.

Partner with Inbox Insight to achieve more with content syndication

Inbox Insight’s tactical cost-per-lead programs help you reach your ideal customer profile, with the choice to scale up and down as needed to ensure you hit your goals with guaranteed quality. Maximize your account coverage, zero in on buyers ready for your solution, and let Inbox Insight assist with your syndication efforts today.

Ross Howard

As the Product Director at Inbox Insight, Ross specialises in creating strategic engagement solutions for B2B marketers. He enthusiastically discusses how content, data, and buyer behavior align to drive growth for companies.
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