How to Create Eye-Catching Content Titles

How to Create Eye-Catching Content Titles

If you’ve only just joined the content game it can be overwhelming to see how you can write original content or be noticed in an already overcrowded digital world. Or you might already have plenty of content under your belt, but with the need for continual creation, you might be stuck for inspiration or seeing little engagement from readers.

If this is the case it is time to go back to basics and think why we create content in the first place- to provide valuable and informative content for our customers, creating brand loyalty. It is vital to think about what your customers would want to read, and would be beneficial for them. We have put together ‘The Content Creation Venn Diagram’ which aims to help marketers think about what content they should be producing.

How to Solve a B2B Content Creation Headache

Focusing on your target audiences particular challenges that they face in their role can help you create content that is genuinely helpful for them, and that they will reach out for, in turn creating brand loyalty. So for example, if you are trying to engage with HR professionals, you might try the following:

How to Solve a B2B Content Creation Headache

Looking at your customers pain points, and how you can solve them can help you produce content that is something your customer will want to reach out and read, as they feel it will solve their problems at work. However, even though you might know your business has the solution to solve these problems, make sure your content does not come across too ‘salesy’, your audience wants advice, not to feel like they are being pitched. It is also important to produce content which will stand out and catch your audience’s attention, learn how to get your content noticed here.

We’ve produced several more of our Content Creation Venn Diagrams focused on various industry sectors to show you how easy it can be to come up with new content to produce, and give you some inspiration of your own.

How to Solve a B2B Content Creation Headache


How to Solve a B2B Content Creation Headache


How to Solve a B2B Content Creation Headache


How to Solve a B2B Content Creation Headache

Staying in touch with your prospects regularly by offering them advice is always powerful attribute for your company.

By offering well-timed and useful interruptions you will be seen as a help rather than a hindrance, so don’t be shy about syndicating your content. For example, looking at the sales Venn diagram above, if you can offer a solution to this very recent pain point sales managers are having they definitely won’t be annoyed!

Empower your business and partner with a B2B content specialist today to create engaging content that captivates your audience.

Amie Lovell

Meet Amie, Marketing Manager here at Inbox. She looks after everything from our content and blog articles to newsletters and social. Her passion is delivering engaging content that resonates with our target audience while promoting thought leadership, to drive brand awareness and trust in what we do.
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