Supplier Code of Conduct and Ethics

  1. About this Code of Conduct and ethics policy

Inbox Insight Limited (Inbox Insight) is fully aware of the responsibility we bear toward our customers, shareholders, employees and the communities in which we work. We have therefore given ourselves a strict set of ethical values to guide us in our business dealings. We expect all our suppliers, i.e, all companies who do business with Inbox Insight, to adhere to the same ethical principles. For this purpose, we have drawn up this Supplier Code of Conduct and Ethics (Code), which sets the standards for doing business with Inbox Insight.

  1. Responsibility for this Code

2.1. The board of directors of Inbox Insight has overall responsibility for ensuring the Code complies with our legal and ethical obligations.

2.2. The Operations Manager at Inbox Insight has primary and day-to-day responsibility for monitoring this Code’s use and effectiveness, dealing with any queries about it and auditing internal control systems and procedures to ensure they are effective in managing ethics and conduct on behalf of Inbox Insight.

  1. Discrimination, harassment and bullying

We are committed to providing a working environment free from discrimination, harassment and bullying and ensuring all staff are treated, and treat others, with dignity and respect and we expect that our suppliers do the same.All our suppliers must not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, disability, age, sexual orientation or gender.

  1.   Drugs and alcohol

We are committed to providing a safe, healthy and productive working environment.All our suppliers must be fit to carry out their jobs safely and effectively and free from alcohol and drug misuse either on our premises or otherwise in their dealings with Inbox Insight.

  1. Bribery and corruption

All our suppliers must adhere to our Anti Bribery and Corruption Policy available on request.

  1. Gifts and hospitality

All our suppliers must not offer services, gifts or benefits to our staff in order to influence staff conduct in representing Inbox Insight.

  1. Trade sanctions and import/export controls

All our suppliers must not be the subject of sanctions imposed by the UK government including amendments to Russia (Sanctions) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019, or any other international sanctions introduced by any other government.

  1. Child labour

All our suppliers must confirm they do not employ children under the age of 15.

  1. Data protection

We refer all our suppliers to our Data Protection Policy available at Privacy Policy.

  1. Diversity, equity and inclusion

We are committed to promoting equal opportunities and creating a workplace culture in which diversity and inclusion is valued and everyone is treated with dignity and respect and receives equal treatment regardless of age, disability, gender reassignment, marital or civil partner status, pregnancy or maternity, race, colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation.All our suppliers must adhere to these same ethical principles.

  1. Business Partner Dialogue

All our suppliers should communicate the principles stated in this Code to their subcontractors and other business partners who are involved in supplying the products and services described in any contract the supplier has with Inbox Insight.

  1. Environmental action and sustainability

We expect that all our suppliers to comply with all applicable environmental laws, regulations and standards and take climate protection appropriately into account in their own operations, for example by setting climate protection goals for themselves and achieving them.

  1. Your responsibilities

13.1. You must ensure that you understand and will comply with this Code.

13.2. We encourage our suppliers to implement their own binding guidelines for ethical behaviour, and encourage its own suppliers to adhere to the ethical standards, upon which this Code is based, as part of fulfilling their contractual obligations toward Inbox Insight. Any breach of the obligations stipulated in this Code is considered a material breach of contract by the supplier and will lead to termination of our business relationship with the supplier.

  1. Process for review

This Code will be reviewed by Inbox Insight annually or as required following:

  • Any legislative changes or changes to industry guidance that might impact on it.
  • Any changes to other associated internal policies, processes or procedures.
  1. Acknowledgment

You are required to acknowledge that you have read, understood and will comply with this Code and acceptance of our supplier terms and conditions constitutes such acknowledgment.